Wednesday, 7 January 2015

First Days!

Greetings from Scotland! Jessie here.
Getting here was quite an adventure, but so far we have been more successful than I had anticipated. We waited in line at customs, but not for an inordinate amount of time. We weren't sure what the customs lady was asking, but we figured it out after about four times. We got on a bus and were only lost until about five streets before our stop so we didn't miss it (this one was really a miracle). Then was the fun part: lugging our five bags through what seemed like all of Scotland trying to find our apartment. But really we made it without needing to turn around once, which for Jacob and I is a miracle.
After we unpacked all of our bags and got our apartment (or what the scots call our flat) all set up, we realized that it had been nearly twenty-four hours since we had had a substantial meal. We checked one of the university buildings, but they had nothing but snack food, of which we had had our fill. We decided to just walk until we found some place that had food. Luckily we didn't have to walk far. Just down the street from our flat was a nice restaurant called Little Italy. This restaurant quickly became my favorite restaurant in the history of restaurants, but you know what they say: hunger is the best gravy. I had a calzone and Jacob had some delicious chicken pesto.
Today was the beginning of the orientation. This was very exciting and helpful. I've never been so out of my comfort zone (Jacob says he has and that this is just a mild experience, but who knows if he is to be believed ;) ), because at Regis we both had many tours and information sessions before actually starting school there. We sat through a 3 hour information session. Jacob got to sign up for bagpiping lessons which he is very excited for. Then we were taken on a walking tour of the campus and surrounding areas. This tour was, in my opinion, more focused on the surrounding area and not very thorough because I still have no idea where my classes could be on campus. We saw a beautiful and very old building that, according to our tour guide, we "probably won't have any classes in," but that doesn't really help us. Hopefully we will have it figured out before classes start on Monday. For now we are just looking forward to our bus trip to Edinburgh on Friday.
In other news, married life is great! I'm not sure if it has really sunk in yet, but I'm sure it will soon. One thing is for sure, I am so glad that Jacob is here with me! I would be infinitely more nervous without him, and goodness knows I would not have been able to haul all my luggage up countless hills and 4 flights of stairs =)
All in all, everything is going about as perfectly as possible. We will keep you all posted when anything exciting happens, which will be often I'm sure!
Love from Glasgow!
Jacob and Jessie

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